Starting a business is tough work.There are countless obstacles that stand in the way of enabling aspiring entrepreneurs to fulfil his/her entrepreneurial dream .Some deadly characteristics that one needs to avoid 1)Laziness: There is absolutely no room for laziness in […]
Importance of strategies – Why we need to master the art of strategizing
We are all aware that the right strategy ensures a successful outcome and that a wrong or outdated strategy wastes valuable resources and needlessly delays results. The trick is to develop a perfect strategy .It is the right strategy that […]
Why people take to starting a business
The number of people starting their business has increased significantly in the last few years. The most common reason for starting a business is identification of a business opportunity. There are also a range of other factors which may encourage […]
Ideating—the first step in becoming an entrepreneur
If one is seriously wanting to be an entrepreneur, what one needs to do is instead of thinking of random ideas, the focus should be on solving problems consumers are having that current companies cannot or wont address. The financial […]
Entrepreneurship has no age
It is often perceived that entrepreneurship is for the young crowd. However, age shouldn’t be a determining factor that stops one from pursuing their dreams. While it is always good to start early,it is also seen that founders above 40 […]
Entrepreneurs and Emotional Intelligence
Business is built on relationship and to succeed, entrepreneurs must also hone their emotional intelligence or ‘EQ”. EQ is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotion .This enhances their problem solving abilities and is the strongest predictor of […]
Emerging business opportunities in the food sector
The food sector in India has been witnessing quite a number of interesting startup’s. Particular reference can be made to fresh fish and meat startup’s, startup’s providing catering services and start-ups in the food delivery sector. The market for Indian […]
Coping strategy for start-ups
Startup founders are often stressed and anxious .This is often because of a common perception of a ‘startup’ being a miracle worker, who innovates and is naturally focussed and hardworking. The unseen pressure creates inner conflict and sometimes mental illness. […]
Startup’s in 2019
With a number of Unicorns and ‘Soonicorns’ that have emerged in the year 2018, startup’s began showing signs of maturity.Indian startup’s raised $12.68 billion in equity funding plus $1.14 billion in debt financing in 2018 across a total of 864 […]
Received the Bharat Vikas Award from the Institute of Self Reliance, Bhubaneshwar
Recieved the Bharat Vikas Awaed from the Institute of Self Reliance,Bhubaneshwar on 19 th November 2017 for my contribution to the Livelihood sector. “Bharat Vikas Award “ recognises leaders (torch bearers) identified in various categories Economists, Industrialists, Scientists, Academicians, Doctors […]